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Armstrong Local Programming

Author: Jamie/Friday, March 31, 2017/Categories: Entertainment, Programming

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One of the benefits you receive with your television subscription is Local Programming

Armstrong is proud of the communities it serves and shows its support with original programming you won't find anywhere else. Armstrong Local Programming has a long history with subscribers since the 1970's and produces thousands of hours of award-winning television shows every year - through the efforts of locally-based television professionals. There are many memorable shows you'll enjoy from live community events, high school sports, concerts, documentaries, children's shows, pet adoption, senior focus, and much more. It's exciting through this programming to learn more and connect with your community. You can even explore and enjoy shows from other communities like: 

Butler County

  • Coaches RoundTable is a weekly source for local high school sports.
  • Coming in June, Armstrong Fight Night at the Cubs Hall for local boxing.
  • Critter Corner, Telly Award-winning show promoting local pet adoption.

Mahoning Valley

  • Street Scene is Boardman's popular award-winning Summer show.
  • Pawsitively Pets brings awareness of local pets up for adoption.

Northwest PA

  • Sports, featuring Spring high school sports - baseball, softball, lacrosse and volleyball.
  • RoboBots competition featuring 21 schools with teams of students competing to advance in the National Robotics League Competition.

Tri-State (OH, WV, KY)

  • Chapters, a show about local authors and publishers. The 100th episode will air in late April.
  • Community Impact, a new show focusing on people and organizations making a positive difference in the community.

Watch local programming by finding it in your channel guide, choosing Hometown Favorites On Demand, or on YouTube.


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