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Enter to Win a Trip to the ACM Awards 6Mar

Enter to Win a Trip to the ACM Awards

Enter for your chance to experience the ACM Awards, LIVE in Las Vegas with a friend! 

Dustin Lynch Signed Guitar Contest Winner

Dustin Lynch Signed Guitar Contest Winner

1 November 2017

Congratulations to the winner of the signed Dustin Lynch Guitar!

Congratulations to the winner of the signed Dustin Lynch Guitar!

Winner: Pay Per View Facebook Contest

Winner: Pay Per View Facebook Contest

6 September 2017

The Most Anticipated Fight of the Year was a success. We conducted a contest on Facebook where the winner would receive a hat, sweatshirt and water bottle.

The Most Anticipated Fight of the Year was a success. We conducted a contest on Facebook where the winner would receive a hat, sweatshirt and water bottle.

Luke Bryan Signed Guitar Contest Winner

Luke Bryan Signed Guitar Contest Winner

28 August 2017

Armstrong and Music Choice would like to congratulate Tina B. from Jamestown, PA on her win of the Luke Bryan signed guitar.

Armstrong and Music Choice would like to congratulate Tina B. from Jamestown, PA on her win of the Luke Bryan signed guitar.


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