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Armstrong Local Programming Top 5

Author: Adam/Friday, April 11, 2014/Categories: Programming

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Follow The Wire is proud to present the first in a series of articles highlighting the unique local programming that Armstrong offers in many of its regions. Armstrong Local Programming gives viewers access to local sports, local government and a deeper look at places you may not know are in your back yard. Our first guest writer is Butler, PA Local Programming Coordinator, Matt Lutz. My name is Matthew Lutz and I have been a Local Programming Coordinator for Armstrong for the last eight years.  I produce many different kinds of TV shows but one of my favorites is our Faces & Places show. We have aired almost 200 episodes of Faces & Places over the last five years. Here is a list of my top 5. 5. Out of Sight Shredding I chose to do a Faces & Places episode on this because it is kind of my baby. As well as running a TV station for Armstrong I also am the vice chair of the Blind Association. A few years ago we decided to start a document destruction business to provide employment for visually impaired people here in Butler, PA. Not only do we provide jobs for the clients of the Blind Association but ultimately we want the company to pay for services and transportation for the blind as well. Out of Sight has been a labor of love for me and it felt great to show our community how the Blind Association is moving towards self-sustainment. 4. Chainsaw Carving Invitational Last year Butler held its first chainsaw carving event and it was incredible. We have a few local artists who collaborated with Butler Tourism to bring carvers from all over the world. We had a lot of fun shooting this one and it was interesting to see some of the pieces being worked on from start to finish. When I think of some of the cool things that I have got to film this chainsaw carving event stands out for sure. 3. Cabot Guns Cabot Guns is another business in Butler County that not many  of the people who live here know about. When Penn United Technologies, a local tool and die manufacturer, found themselves in tough economic times they chose to diversify themselves instead of laying off employees. They decide to create what has now become one of the greatest American gun manufactures and it luckily for us it happened to be in our backyard so we could make a TV show about it. People really seemed to enjoy this episode. So much in fact that it won a 2013 Telly  Award. 2. Pennsic The Pennsic War is an annual medieval camping event held by the Society for Creative Anachronism with more than 10,000 people attending each year, from as far as Australia. This is the arguably the biggest event to happen in Butler County every year and it has been happening since 1971. This event is not open to the public so there is a lot of misconception locally about Pennsic which is why I always wanted to do a show on it. We were invited in the summer of 2012 to come out for a few days and we had a blast riding around and interviewing all of the different people. 1. Iron Mountain & Corbis This is my all-time favorite episode for a few reasons. Not many people ever get to go into the underground mines in Boyers, PA or have any idea what is all down there. Disney, MGM, and our government are just a few of the people who store important data, documents, and media down there. Corbis is a company owned by Bill Gates which owns the originals of almost every important photograph ever taken. Tens of millions of photographs stored in giant refrigerated room’s miles under the ground in Northern Butler County and almost no one who lives here knows about it. If there is an iconic photo that you can think of the original is probably in one of those rooms. This job lets us see things that not many people ever would get the chance to and Corbis is at the top of my list. Thanks for watching.

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