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Armstrong Named 2022 Cable Operator of the Year

Armstrong Named 2022 Cable Operator of the Year

Author: Pam/Wednesday, August 3, 2022/Categories: About Our Products, Entertainment, Special, Technology News, Community

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Armstrong has been chosen as the 2022 Independent Cable Operator of the Year by Cablefax Magazine, the broadband and cable TV industry’s leading publication. The honor was announced in July at an industry conference in Orlando, Florida. This marks the second time Armstrong has won the award in the last 14 years.


Armstrong was selected as this year’s winner based on a combination of impressive metrics and initiatives. The company’s achievements in customer satisfaction, deployment of the latest technology, efforts to work with government entities in building infrastructure to un-served areas and community involvement all received high marks.


“Armstrong has set the standard during a challenging time for the entire country,” said Amy Maclean, Editorial Director of Cablefax. “The company continues to serve its customers and communities with outstanding service, while being a leader in deploying 10G technology and helping to bridge the digital divide.”


“I accept this award on behalf of our incredible employee team” said Jeff Ross, President of Armstrong. Our employees understand how essential broadband internet service is in today’s world and work tirelessly to provide the highest levels of service to our customers.”



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