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Armstrong’s Campaign to Avenge Hunger Kicks Off its Fifth Season

Armstrong’s Campaign to Avenge Hunger Kicks Off its Fifth Season

Avenge Hunger Month initiative helps support community food programs with food and monetary donations

Author: Pam/Wednesday, August 17, 2022/Categories: Special, Community

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Armstrong's Avenge Hunger Month campaign to fight hunger across their service territory, will celebrate its fifth season when the food and money collection window opens on August 29. The 2022 Avenge Hunger Month initiative continues through October 2. The timing for Avenge Hunger Month is deliberate; September is National Hunger Action Month and the need for food is higher during the last quarter of the year.

Local Armstrong stores will collect non-perishable food and monetary donations for local feeding programs. The resources collected help to supply more than 200 community feeding programs throughout the Armstrong footprint in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, West Virginia, Maryland, and Kentucky. 

NEW THIS YEAR: Armstrong technicians will accept food donations from customers during service calls and service installations.  

Armstrong’s Breaking Bread initiative began in 2010 with the purpose of feeding those who are food-insecure within the communities Armstrong serves. It is a four-pronged approach that includes collecting food and money, volunteering time plus creating public awareness. The first Avenge Hunger Month was held in September of 2018 to help bring more awareness to Breaking Bread and generate more donations to help local feeding programs.  Through the annual Avenge Hunger Month drive, Armstrong has collected over 120,000 pounds of food and nearly $60,000 in monetary donations to share with over 200 community feeding programs over the past four years.

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Drop-off nonperishable food and monetary donations in the "Breaking Bread" section of the lobby at your local Armstrong store.
Food donations are accepted all year long at Armstrong, although there's an extra push to help stock food banks this time of year. If you have a scheduled service call or service installation, Armstrong technicians will collect and deliver your donations, eliminating the need to leave your house to participate! Consider donating food items that are most requested:

-Peanut Butter
-Low-Sugar Cereal
-Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken
-Fruit or Veggie Juices
-Pet Food
-Cooking Oils

Visit to learn more about this important community initiative. 


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