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Bat Kid Saves the Day

Author: Adam/Monday, November 18, 2013/Categories: Special

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If you haven't heard about Bat Kid yet, you might just be locked up in the Arkham Asylum. San Fransico's Make-A-Wish Foundation put together what has to be one of the most amazing public 'flash mobs' ever. What started as a plea to get people from the community to help make a little boy's dream of being Batman for a day come true, became the most dramatic displays of good in humanity.batkid

Read the full story from Gizmodo here, but see beyond the sweetness of making the boy happy; beyond the magnitude of getting a major city like San Fransisco to handle this kind of public disruption in a short amount of time and beyond the 15 minutes of coverage this story will get. Look to the goodness in people who came together to make something happen to help just one kid. I think we can all see that this did more for everyone involved directly and indirectly, than it probably did for BatKid. He would have been just as happy to put on a costume and stop a bad guy. But this display of caring is so much more than just a few hours of volunteering. It was a sign that when regular people really want to do good... BAM! POW! can get done.

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