The Holidays are coming!

This most likely will be your last weekend of true
relaxation. Starting this coming week the 'Holidays' are officially here. Thanksgiving and the days that follow officially kick off the holiday season. (It was always my feeling that the moment you see Santa close out the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, it was official.)
Clearly over the past 15 years Christmas decorations and merchandise have made their way into retail stores as early as October. The shopping and marketing starts before Thanksgiving, but you still can enjoy your down time. Starting next week you will be required to be shopping, visiting or attending somewhere or something non-stop. While I don't subscribe to the buy-buy-buy portion of the holiday season, I do enjoy the change in music and decorations. I enjoy the fact that most people are in a slightly more festive mood. I enjoy that more snacks and cookies show up at the office. I enjoy the extra time I have to spend with family.
Whether it is skipping another holiday party or opting out of an extra shopping trip, take time to enjoy the season and not just 'survive' it.