By now, we hope you are aware of
Armstrong’s Breaking Bread campaign to help feed the hungry. Each of our local and corporate offices are always accepting monetary donations, as well as food and
other needed items. These donations are in turn donated to local food pantries in our service areas.
However, Breaking Bread is so much more than just collecting donations. It is about getting the word out about the
need for food that so many face; bringing attention to the hunger in our communities.
We have employees that participate in local events and fundraisers directly related to Breaking Bread and causes that help support putting an end to hunger in the community. Another area our employees enjoy participating in is local food drives and pantry packing events. This is an up-close and personal way to volunteer time on the front lines. It gives us the opportunity to see what hunger looks like.
Hunger is everywhere. Hunger is men and women, boys and girls – even babies and pets. Hunger is young and old. Hunger could be a neighbor
. Because of this need, volunteers are invaluable. The employees of Armstrong take pride in knowing that they are able to help out by donating even just a few hours of their time once a month to help fight hunger. We encourage you to get involved too.
armstrongonewire.com/breakingbread for more information about how you can get involved in your community.