It's "Demand It" time again folks! We once again take a look at the new movies available from Armstrong On Demand.
Quite a random selection of movies this week, we have cowgirls, vampires and rock and roll producers
The first trailer we have is a tale of a young girl and her dream of being a Sweetheart of the Rodeo stunt rider.
Cowgirls n' Angels
This TV remake takes the vampire fad in a new direction. Using the premise behind the black and white TV drama Dark Shadows, we get a slightly funnier version from Director Tim Burton starring (you guessed it) Johnny Depp and Mrs. Burton herself, Helen Bohnam Carter. Completing the cast is Michelle Pfieffer.
Dark Shadows
Check out the other new releases
Restless City and
Sound of My Voice, as well.
Bonus Trailer:
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