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Author: Adam/Wednesday, October 2, 2013/Categories: Entertainment, Just for Kids

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"Duhn-duhn-duhn!" That is the 'catchphrase' from the sloth-like prehistoric creature known as Belt in The Croods. The Croods is an animated family comedy set in the caveman days. The focus is on the father-daughter struggle of allowing her to become her own person, exploring new things and not getting eaten by giant monsters when chasing their weekly breakfast egg. Pretty standard stuff, right? Honestly, The Croods was a great surprise. I was not expecting much considering it stars the voice talents of known flop-magnets Nicholas Cage and Ryan Reynolds. However, we took our two boys to see this in the theater and the whole family enjoyed it. We will surely be watching this one again. Will it be as good the second time around? "Duhn-duhn-duhn!"

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