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Author: Adam/Wednesday, July 17, 2013/Categories: Entertainment, Movies

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I am very excited for this week's big release. 42. As the tagline states, it is the 'True Story of an American Legend." To a sports fan, this movie should be good. To a baseball fan, this movie should be a great tribute to a great player. To a human being, this should be inspirational and impactful. The story of Jackie Robinson was legendary when I was a kid, 25 years ago, and was difficult to understand 'why' it was so important. Today, this story is just as important as we have realized in recent high profile news stories regarding race, how important Jackie's struggles were. Race relations in the United States (and throughout the world) are no where near where they need to be. While great strides have been made even in the years since, we still have much more work to do. I am hoping that I can share this movie with my rising baseball star, so that he can see the importance of what we try to instill in him everyday, can really do. 42 Also available this week are Evil Dead and Bullet to the Head.

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