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Friday, September 3rd is National Food Bank Day

Friday, September 3rd is National Food Bank Day

Author: Dawn/Tuesday, August 31, 2021/Categories: Special, Community

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The first Friday in September is National Food Bank Day. This is a day that brings awareness to the continuing problem of hunger within our global community. And while community feeding programs do receive attention and canned goods on days like these and other national holidays, the issue of food scarcity is, for many, a concern throughout the year.

Hunger may be as close as your neighbor or your coworker in the next cubical. Bare cupboards and empty stomachs look just like yours and mine behind closed doors.

Food banks across the country help some of the 42 million men, women and children who struggle with putting food on the table. The reasons range from illness to job loss and a general change in circumstances. These circumstances can happen to anyone.

How to Observe National Food Bank Day

Here are a few suggestions of ways you can observe National Food Bank Day 

  1. Donate to a local feeding program. Armstrong has an initiative called Breaking Bread that provides support to over 200 feeding programs in the communities served by Armstrong. During the month of September Armstrong is conducting Avenge Hunger Month to help stock local food pantries. Non-perishable food donations or monetary donations can be dropped off at your local Armstrong store. Click here link to find your local Armstrong store.
  2. Volunteer at a local food bank, food pantry or soup kitchen. If you don’t know where help is needed, visit the Armstrong Breaking Bread page for a listing of local feeding programs in the Armstrong service areas. 

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