Special Guest Author, Daneen O'Donnell
You may already know that Armstrong has an ongoing initiative called
Breaking Bread, designed to help feed the hungry in the communities that we serve. But did you know what a variety of opportunities you have to make a donation?
Armstrong local offices always accept donations. You can find a shopping cart inside the lobbies waiting to be filled with non-perishable items. You can also make a donation at any Armstrong event. Simply tell the Armstrong representative that you brought an item for Breaking Bread, and we will get it to a food bank for you. Give when and what you can.
The act of helping out those less fortunate in the community is enough to make you feel great about yourself alone, but sometimes there are added incentives to bring the public to a food drive. For instance, Armstrong recently partnered with Y108 to combine a Breaking Bread event along with a ticket drop for the Kenny Chesney/ Tim McGraw concert. Anyone was allowed to register to win the concert tickets, but if you made a donation to Breaking Bread, you were allowed an extra chance to register to win. The event drew a large crowd, and 10 pairs of tickets were given away! Those making a donation to Breaking Bread at the Butler Downtown Summer Concert Series had an opportunity to register to win tickets to the Pittsburgh Blues Fest at Hartwood Acres.

Often Armstrong representatives will bring the prize wheel to events, enabling customers an option to win a prize and hopefully make a donation to Breaking Bread at the same time. There are always lots of great give-aways at most Armstrong events….an extra perk for stopping by the booth!
So, be generous in your giving. Stop by your local office or visit us at a local community event and bring a donation for Breaking Bread. Remember, helping others makes you smile!
ArmstrongOneWire.com/BreakingBread for more information.