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Author: Adam/Friday, September 26, 2014/Categories: About Our Products, Television Plus

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batsNew fall shows have been premiering this week. More shows will be introduced in the coming weeks. So, what are you watching? I really enjoyed the series premier of Gotham, the pre-Batman era Gotham City tales. It was great to see how they begin introducing the characters that we are now familiar with, including a young Bruce Wayne, a younger James Gordon and early versions of Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler and Poison Ivy. While it won't be the ripped-from-a-comicbook style action that we see in The Flash and Arrow, it does keep this comic nerd's attention. Mashable gives us a breakdown of the premier from Monday and gets you ready for a new episode next week.  Were there any other clues you picked up on? Any new characters to be revealed?

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