If you are not familiar with the term "life hack" you might assume it has something to do with computers, code and
mainframes. For the most part, a life hack has very little to do with a computer, but has a lot to do with making your life a little easier. Whether you realize it or not, you have probably seen and even used one of these tips. Generally they might involve a simple picture with white block-font at the top and bottom, explaining the shortcut or tip you see in the picture. (See examples below)
Many of these give you just a little "ah ha" or "why didn't I think of that" moment. With sites like
Lifehacker.com or
Lifehack.org you can get full articles with more information and tips than you can from a life hack picture you see on Facebook or Pinterest. Either way, these little "hacks" can give you ways to make your life run a little smoother.
From ways to use your cellphone or tablet to become better organized to ways to repurpose and reuse household items to solve life's everyday dilemmas. Many of these revolve around food, home office or cleaning. What life hacks have you used? Have you developed any yourself?

PS. I have used the last tip and it makes perfect pancakes!