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Happy Veterans Day 11Nov

Happy Veterans Day

Armstrong would like to thank all active and retired military members on this Veterans Day.  
Television on Your Time

Television on Your Time

8 November 2013
Armstrong recently added Cartoon Network (, CNN (, Headline News (, TBS (, TNT ( and truTV ( to a growing list of online content available to...
Armstrong recently added Cartoon Network (, CNN (, Headline News (, TBS (, TNT ( and truTV ( to a growing list of online content available to Armstrong customers with a Television subscription. TCM ( was just added this week. On, customers can watch thousands of video clips, movies and shows anytime, anywhere in the U.S. on their computer for FREE from over 250 networks, including ABC, ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

6 November 2013
Just a few weeks ago we were talking about the Rat Pack, Brat Pack and Frat Pack and the chemistry that some groups of actors have. I even references the Adam Sandler crew, many of which started on Saturday Night...
Just a few weeks ago we were talking about the Rat Pack, Brat Pack and Frat Pack and the chemistry that some groups of actors have. I even references the Adam Sandler crew, many of which started on Saturday Night Live. A lot of his 'crew' are only seen his or related movies from his Happy Madison production company. However, when Grown Ups came out a few years back it was a reunion unlike any others. For those that grew up on 90s SNL, this was a dream come true. Pulling together his ...
Coffee Talk

Coffee Talk

4 November 2013
Another Monday. Another cup of coffee. Or another pot of coffee for some people. Even with the 'extra hour of sleep' that the time change has provided us, you most likely still want to enjoy some caffeine this...
Another Monday. Another cup of coffee. Or another pot of coffee for some people. Even with the 'extra hour of sleep' that the time change has provided us, you most likely still want to enjoy some caffeine this morning. But should you drink your coffee first thing in the morning? Most people claim they need their coffee first thing or they can't function properly. An article from Lifehacker discusses a recent study from Neuroscience PhD student Steven Miller, that finds that the body is ...

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