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Samsung Teases Galaxy S6 27Feb

Samsung Teases Galaxy S6

Samsung has decided to reveal a new flagship device on March 1st in Barcelona, Italy! Senior Vice President DongHoon Jang has been referencing...
YouTube Kids: Released Today

YouTube Kids: Released Today

23 February 2015
Afraid of what your kids can see on YouTube? Well, now there's an app specifically for your kids. The new app, YouTube Kids, was released today in the United States for Android users. According to...

Afraid of what your kids can see on YouTube? Well, now there's an app specifically for your kids. The new app, YouTube Kids, was released today in the United States for Android users. According to TechCrunch...

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6

20 February 2015
Couldn't get enough of "Big Hero 6" in theaters? Well, wait no longer because on February 24th, you can watch it On Demand!...
Couldn't get enough of "Big Hero 6" in theaters? Well, wait no longer because on February 24th, you can watch it On Demand!...
Smart-TV Privacy: Samsung Responds

Smart-TV Privacy: Samsung Responds

19 February 2015
Sick of having to worry about where you put the remote to change the channel or turn up the volume? Voice commands have been added...
Sick of having to worry about where you put the remote to change the channel or turn up the volume? Voice commands have been added...

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