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Soap Net 2Jan

Soap Net

The ABC Network has taken Soap Net off the air as of midnight December 31, 2013. This is not specific to Armstrong, as the channel no longer exists. ABC has released a statement regarding Soap Net ending,...
New Year's Cleanup

New Year's Cleanup

30 December 2013
This is that awkward week that falls between holiday celebrations and getting back to the real world. Many folks take down their Christmas trees and holiday decorations immediately after the big day,...
This is that awkward week that falls between holiday celebrations and getting back to the real world. Many folks take down their Christmas trees and holiday decorations immediately after the big day, some leave them up through January 6 or longer. However long you leave them up, whenever you clean up the mess you might be tempted to rearrange furniture, entertainment setup and even the home office. Before you start unplugging cables and moving boxes and modems, make sure to give Armstrong ...
HDTV Guide

HDTV Guide

27 December 2013
So, by now that new TV you got for Christmas is probably set up. We discussed placement and initial visual setup of the TV the last few weeks. Assuming that you now have the TV where you want it and have most likely...
So, by now that new TV you got for Christmas is probably set up. We discussed placement and initial visual setup of the TV the last few weeks. Assuming that you now have the TV where you want it and have most likely set it up with your existing cable box, media players and video game systems, we want to talk about the proper connections. If you have the HDTV set up the way you want it and don't want to change anything, then you can probably skip this week's discussion. We want to discuss ...

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