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2014 Winter Olympics 7Feb

2014 Winter Olympics

The 2014 Winter Olympics are here. NBC and their family of channels are prepared to bring you all the action. Due to the large time shift from Sochi to the US, there will be a lot of recaps and highlights during...
Demand It!

Demand It!

5 February 2014
Cold days. Snow days. Sick days. Holidays. The kids have been home from school a lot lately. Cabin Fever can set in pretty quick. Well, if the Groundhog got it right, we might be in for more of this nasty weather and...
Cold days. Snow days. Sick days. Holidays. The kids have been home from school a lot lately. Cabin Fever can set in pretty quick. Well, if the Groundhog got it right, we might be in for more of this nasty weather and more days of the kids stuck inside. Thank goodness for Armstrong On Demand. On top of all the great free kids content, there are also new releases hitting all the time. This week let the kids watch Free Birds. While it may not be a favorite of Mom and Dad's after watching it ...
Super Ad Monday

Super Ad Monday

3 February 2014
Everyone else is sharing their Super Bowl wrap up today, so why not us? Since the game was a blowout, let's focus on the ads. We all know that the ads are just as much a part of the 'big game' as the game...
Everyone else is sharing their Super Bowl wrap up today, so why not us? Since the game was a blowout, let's focus on the ads. We all know that the ads are just as much a part of the 'big game' as the game itself.  While it was a more even mix between serious and funny than most would have liked, there were some that stood out to me. The comic book nerd in me enjoyed seeing the new trailers for the Captain America and Amazing Spider-man sequels. The new Transformers sequel was a nice ...


31 January 2014
For a brief few hours yesterday leaked images appeared on a few film and geek blogs showing what the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action characters would look like. They have since been taken down as these...
For a brief few hours yesterday leaked images appeared on a few film and geek blogs showing what the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live action characters would look like. They have since been taken down as these types of photos often are. However, it is the internet and they are still out there somewhere. In case you didn't know Michael Bay will be taking another piece of your 80s childhood and putting it on the big screen. Unless you are new to Follow The Wire, you know that I am a ...

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