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Holidays Are Here 7Nov

Holidays Are Here

Whether we like it or not, the 'holidays' are here. Every fall people complain that it gets earlier and earlier each year, but really I think that it starts with November 1. Anything happening prior to October...
Demand It!

Demand It!

5 November 2014
Every few years it seems like movies come out at the same time, about the same topic; Antz and Bugs Life, Armageddon and Deep Impact, etc. This topic may sound familiar itself, well that is because I wrote about it...
Every few years it seems like movies come out at the same time, about the same topic; Antz and Bugs Life, Armageddon and Deep Impact, etc. This topic may sound familiar itself, well that is because I wrote about it when The Legend of Hercules came out on Armstrong On Demand. Well, the other shoe has dropped. Hercules, starring Dwayne Johnson is now available. Like I said in the previous article, usually one of the movies ends up being the better of the two by far. Bugs Life is a classic, ...
Candy Meltdown

Candy Meltdown

3 November 2014
Halloween has come and gone and now you have more of a mess on your hands than just fake cobwebs. What do you do with all the left over candy? While Sally told Charlie Brown and Linus "I haven't even finished...
Halloween has come and gone and now you have more of a mess on your hands than just fake cobwebs. What do you do with all the left over candy? While Sally told Charlie Brown and Linus "I haven't even finished eating all of my Halloween candy" in the Thanksgiving episode, we don't think most of you will keep it around that long. (That never made sense to me. She didn't go Trick or Treating and was stuck in the pumpkin all night.) Fortunately, someone has come up with some inventive ways ...
Screen Time

Screen Time

31 October 2014
This will likely be a debate for many years to come, but many parents struggle with the amount of "screen time" or time their children are allowed to use devices like iPads and other tablets, as well as computers and...
This will likely be a debate for many years to come, but many parents struggle with the amount of "screen time" or time their children are allowed to use devices like iPads and other tablets, as well as computers and video games in general. A recent study from New York University showed that not all "screen time" is bad, in fact kids who use specific learning based apps see positive impacts on their reading scores. The article from Fast Company discusses the study and what the findings ...

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