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Demand It! 6Mar

Demand It!

A great lineup of movies from Armstrong On Demand this week. Another one of those "something for everyone" weeks. We have an informative documentary, a British action flick, blockbusters Breaking Dawn Part 2 and Wreck...
PCWorld gives Trend Micro 2013 4.5 Stars

PCWorld gives Trend Micro 2013 4.5 Stars

1 March 2013
Still haven't upgraded to Trend Micro 2013 PC/MAC -- Why not? It is free to all Zoom Internet customers and Sarah Purewal of PCWorld has given it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Sarah tested how well Trend Micro would handle new...
Still haven't upgraded to Trend Micro 2013 PC/MAC -- Why not? It is free to all Zoom Internet customers and Sarah Purewal of PCWorld has given it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Sarah tested how well Trend Micro would handle new malware attacks and found that Trend Micro blocked 100% of the attacks.  According to Sara, Trend Mirco rated second place (tied with G Data and Kaspersky) in the system cleanup test.  Click here to read the full review.  Ready to try it yourself -- go here to download your ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

27 February 2013
This week we have a few critically acclaimed pieces of cinema! Foreign film Chicken with Plums looks like a blend of real life and fantasy animation that adds a lot to the film. The Master has a very intriguing...
This week we have a few critically acclaimed pieces of cinema! Foreign film Chicken with Plums looks like a blend of real life and fantasy animation that adds a lot to the film. The Master has a very intriguing trailer that shows just enough to get you interested. Other films released this week are The Brass Teapot and Chasing Mavericks. Chicken with Plums The Master  
No Gnews is Good Gnews

No Gnews is Good Gnews

25 February 2013
The theme of this month has been looking at how the way we consume information and communicate with internet, telephone and television has changed. One thing that touches on all those mediums is news. News used to...
The theme of this month has been looking at how the way we consume information and communicate with internet, telephone and television has changed. One thing that touches on all those mediums is news. News used to just mean the daily paper and the anchor on local broadcast television (or a nosy neighbor calling you with gossip.) "Film at eleven." The cable television age brought 24 hour news into our living rooms, giving us access to national and global stories that may have taken the rest ...

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