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You've Got Mail! 8Feb

You've Got Mail!

Who doesn't remember that famous greeting? After waiting for the annoying dial-up sound to quit, the sweet "You've Got Mail!" greeting made it all worthwhile. You loved to hear that sound as you simultaneously looked...
Demand It!

Demand It!

6 February 2013
With a long list of new releases this week, we have picked out some interesting movies to highlight. Sound City features a lot of great music and musicians in a tale about a historical recording studio that is no...
With a long list of new releases this week, we have picked out some interesting movies to highlight. Sound City features a lot of great music and musicians in a tale about a historical recording studio that is no more. With Jesse and Celeste Forever we have a story of how hard it is to let go of the ones you love, even when you aren't 'in love'. Big screen hits Here Comes the Boom and Flight are out this week, as well as the star filled drama A Late Quartert. Also available this week are ...
National Holiday?

National Holiday?

4 February 2013
Shouldn't Super Bowl Monday be a national holiday? I am sure a lot of people schedule off this day anyways and one guy even started a petition to get it to become a national holiday. After a long day of watching...
Shouldn't Super Bowl Monday be a national holiday? I am sure a lot of people schedule off this day anyways and one guy even started a petition to get it to become a national holiday. After a long day of watching pre-game coverage, eating large amounts of 'tailgate' food, then watching a very long football game and its co-star commercials; it would be nice to take a day to recover. But, we must carry on. We watch the "Best of" Super Bowl commercial compilations on all the morning news ...
Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

1 February 2013
Follow The Wire is one year old. today! On February 1, 2012 we posted our first article and have been updating you with the latest in technology, entertainment, safe surfing tips and updates on Armstrong's new...
Follow The Wire is one year old. today! On February 1, 2012 we posted our first article and have been updating you with the latest in technology, entertainment, safe surfing tips and updates on Armstrong's new products and services ever since. In addition, we have had various month long topics and themes to keep you informed, special guest authors and our popular Wednesday "Demand It!" feature - sharing the latest On Demand movies that are available for you and your family to ...

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