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YouTube 8Dec


Armstrong continues to update our YouTube channel. Located at, our channel features Armstrong commercial spots, how-to videos like our "Armstrong Answers" series, and a broad...
Holiday Favorites

Holiday Favorites

7 December 2012
Ralphie. Clark. Buddy. These names bring back some great memories of some of my favorite holiday memories. The movies this time of year are some of the best parts of the holiday season. Now sure, you can watch these...
Ralphie. Clark. Buddy. These names bring back some great memories of some of my favorite holiday memories. The movies this time of year are some of the best parts of the holiday season. Now sure, you can watch these in May and they may still be funny, but what really makes them what they are is watching them during this time of year with friends and family. Armstrong has wrapped up some great holiday hits into our Holiday Favorites folder. Along with Ralphie, Clark and Buddy (A Christmas ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

5 December 2012
Wow! We have a whole bunch of new movies available on OnDemand right now. Too many to try to discuss. From big blockbusters like Men In Black 3 and The Dark Knight Rises to a few unknowns like Beasts of the Southern...
Wow! We have a whole bunch of new movies available on OnDemand right now. Too many to try to discuss. From big blockbusters like Men In Black 3 and The Dark Knight Rises to a few unknowns like Beasts of the Southern Wild and Thunderstruck, there really is something for everyone. Families will enjoy The Odd Life of Timothy Green. Hope Springs and Sparkle could be the one for you. Take a look below and see what's right for you! MIB 3 The Dark Knight ...
Toy Hunter

Toy Hunter

3 December 2012
I have a new favorite show; Toy Hunter on Travel Channel. The show follows toy collector and dealer Jordan Hembrough as he goes across the country looking through spare bedrooms and attics of avid toy collectors....
I have a new favorite show; Toy Hunter on Travel Channel. The show follows toy collector and dealer Jordan Hembrough as he goes across the country looking through spare bedrooms and attics of avid toy collectors. Looking for those hard to find pieces, Jordan comes across some vintage toys and rare modern toys. I enjoy most of the pawn-auction-storage-picker shows because you get to see some neat pieces of history. This combines my enjoyment of these shows with my love of pop culture. I ...

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