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A Walk in the Garden 11Jul

A Walk in the Garden

We have featured articles here about our local programming selections before. Today we feature another example of some of the unique programs Armstrong can bring you. Check out the video below for a sample of what is...
Video Game Daydreaming

Video Game Daydreaming

9 July 2012
I recently read an article about how the Nintendo Entertainment System's popular game Duck Hunt really worked. Pretty amazing really, considering this was in 1985.  Which made me think of how different "video...
I recently read an article about how the Nintendo Entertainment System's popular game Duck Hunt really worked. Pretty amazing really, considering this was in 1985.  Which made me think of how different "video games" are today. You have more choices of systems, obviously much better graphics and sound, and amazing control and game-play. But one of the biggest differences might be connecting your systems to the internet. What if in the golden age of video gaming we had online capability? ...
Concerned about DNSChanger?

Concerned about DNSChanger?

6 July 2012
By now you may have seen or read one of the many news reports claiming that the malware, DNSChanger, will render your computer inoperable on July 9, 2012. While that is a true statement for approximately 64,000 US...
By now you may have seen or read one of the many news reports claiming that the malware, DNSChanger, will render your computer inoperable on July 9, 2012. While that is a true statement for approximately 64,000 US computers*, the vast majority of us are not affected. To check to see if your computer is affected, visit Due to widespread news reports of the malware, you may experience issues accessing this website. A lot of people are checking. If you experience any issues, ...


6 July 2012
What an amazing time. Maybe because it is only ever four years. Maybe because it is a chance for increased patriotism. Maybe it is just a chance to see history in the making. No matter what reason, the Olympics is an...
What an amazing time. Maybe because it is only ever four years. Maybe because it is a chance for increased patriotism. Maybe it is just a chance to see history in the making. No matter what reason, the Olympics is an exciting time. For the first time ever, you will now be able to catch every Olympic event live. Armstrong is proud to bring you NBC's extensive coverage including On Demand, online and in High Definition. The Olympics begin July 27 and will take place all the way through ...

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