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"Pittsburgh Dad"

Author: Adam/Friday, May 4, 2012/Categories: About Our Products, Television Plus

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Many of Armstrong's western Pennsylvania customers may already be familiar with Pittsburgh Dad; the "Yinzer" father that has become a web sensation.  This viral series started out as a fun way for crew members of SyFy's web series "The Mercury Men" to capture some of their between shooting fun on video. Pittsburgh Dad Curt Wootton, Pittsburgh area native, stars as a typical no-nonsense dad, but with that famous Pittsburghese accent and vocabulary. Ranting about his kids, his neighbor Tom and of course his wife, Deb, Pittsburgh Dad is the "every-dad" to most of us who can remember our father complaining or threatening to give us something-to-cry-about.  Together with director Chris Preksta, Wootton has created several dozen episodes so far; all on an iPhone. The Mercury Men Wootton and Preskta came up with the Pittsburgh Dad series while discussing some other projects. Using the impression that cast and crew of  The Mercury Men had come to love from their on-set shtick, Pittsburgh Dad was created. If you are unfamiliar with the Pittsburgh shot series,  The Mercury Men, you can find it online (it IS a web series) or you can check it out on Armstrong On Demand. While not technically a series that runs on SyFy's actual channel, The Mercury Men is available to all Armstrong viewers with Television Plus absolutely FREE. With much of the On Demand selections available for free, there are other non-traditional shows available. What can you find new today?

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