How young is too young to be on social networks? There is no official number, but the age has to be something that fits your family.
There has been recent discussion about
Facebook testing new features to allow children under the age of 13 to be connected to their parents' accounts. The parent would be able to see everything the child did, while still giving them some sense of being social and connecting with friends and family.
Another network is aimed specifically at children under 13; Everloop. With discussion of
launching a mobile app, allowing children to take their interests online and on the go; what do you think about kids being online supervised or not?
Armstrong provides a resources to help families learn more about safety online, as well as tips for using our other services like television and telephone.
Armstrong Armor helps highlight the types of things to think about when setting guidelines in your household. Your rules have to be right for your family, Armstrong is just here to provide some resources to help. Discuss it with your family today.