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Super Mom’s Super Powers

Author: Adam/Friday, June 29, 2012/Categories: About Our Products, Television Plus, Telephone

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Picture this: The alarm went off. You've jumped out of bed. Your kids are running around, pulling on the dog’s tail, ripping diapers off, pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard all while morning cartoons blast in the background. You, a Super Mom, are frantically trying to get eggs scrambled and bacon fried so that your kids can be fed before that important phone call you are expecting comes through. Just as someone tips their milk over, the phone rings. And it is on the other side of the house, buried in a pile of toys somewhere. No need to jump tall laundry piles in a single bound. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just glance at your television screen to see whose calling you, and then realize that it is not the phone call you were waiting for? You don’t have to walk away from breakfast cooking on the stove and you can exert your super powers to get that spilled milk cleaned up at the same time. All because you don’t have to pick up the phone – thanks to your secret weapon; Armstrong’s Caller ID on TV.  

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