A recent
TechCrunch article highlighted data from
Strategy Analytics, stating that 61% of U.S. households have home WiFi networks. That same data shows us ahead of Mexico, Spain and India; but behind U.K., Germany and Canada. Are you part of that 61 percent?
Have you set up a WiFi network in your home?
You haven't? It could be because you feel it is too hard to install; too hard to maintain; too expensive?
No worries.
Armstrong ZoomShare is easy. Enjoy professional installation from an Armstrong employee. Plus, there is no equipment to buy.
Connect your desktop, laptop, smartphones and tablets. Connect your video game consoles, smart TVs and more. You name it, you can connect it to Zoomshare.
Learn more about Armstrong ZoomShare or
start shopping right now.
For more information about the importance of securing your Wi-Fi networks, check out these
tips from the FCC.