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Armstrong Telephone Smorgasbord: A Buffet of Delightful Features 12Mar

Armstrong Telephone Smorgasbord: A Buffet of Delightful Features

I’m a really, really picky eater. I don’t eat cream-based soups,chocolate-covered fruit, anything that lived in a body of water, ...or Taco Bell. There are a lot of things I do eat, but macaroni and...


9 March 2012
Have you checked in with the Armstrong On Demand menu lately? If you haven’t, you should! You will find a great tab under Movies, titled Featured Collections. This gem of a tab holds all kinds of different...
Have you checked in with the Armstrong On Demand menu lately? If you haven’t, you should! You will find a great tab under Movies, titled Featured Collections. This gem of a tab holds all kinds of different genres in movies – something truly for everyone. Do you know almost every line to your favorite comedy? There’s a tab for that! Are you a Baseball fanatic eagerly anticipating spring training? There’s a tab for that! Twi-hard? Whether you're Team Edward or Team Jacob... we have ...
On Demand Makes Me Happy

On Demand Makes Me Happy

2 March 2012
I’m an avid DVR user. Strike that. I’m an obsessive fan of The Big Bang Theory…so much so that I’ve filled my DVR to capacity with episodes. This of course meant that I didn’t have room...

I’m an avid DVR user. Strike that. I’m an obsessive fan of The Big Bang Theory…so much so that I’ve filled my DVR to capacity with episodes. This of course meant that I didn’t have room on my DVR to record the newest Family Guy. No worries. I’ve got Armstrong On Demand.   Roll Right In to On Demand Think of Armstrong On Demand as a mansion full of libraries. And your TV remote is the butler, and all you need do to ring for him is to press “1” on your remote. You want a movie? ...

UPDATE: You CAN Order That Online... NOW!

UPDATE: You CAN Order That Online... NOW!

1 March 2012
UPDATE: The all-new is now live. You can now order new channel packages, services and more through the "Shop" link in the center of the main navigation of our new site. Read below for an idea of...
UPDATE: The all-new is now live. You can now order new channel packages, services and more through the "Shop" link in the center of the main navigation of our new site. Read below for an idea of some of the great things you can do on our new site. ORIGINAL POST: Making major changes to a web site that thousands of customers use every day is never a small task. On March 1, 2012 we will do just that by launching an all-new Over a year in the ...

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