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More Ways to Save 23Mar

More Ways to Save

So, we have already talked about the great way to save money on your Armstrong statement. And now you know about MySavings. But, how much more exciting would it be if I told you that you can continue to save...
Think Outside the Can ...of Green Beans

Think Outside the Can ...of Green Beans

22 March 2012
Green beans are great. They are a vegetable, full of nutrition, and most of us have them sitting around in our kitchen cupboard. A donation of a can of green beans to the local food bank is well, Fantastic! However,...
Green beans are great. They are a vegetable, full of nutrition, and most of us have them sitting around in our kitchen cupboard. A donation of a can of green beans to the local food bank is well, Fantastic! However, there is so much more that is needed. (Would you like to eat green beans everyday?) Most people don’t think about donating things that are most commonly needed and used on a daily basis. Do you use paper products daily?  Take showers?  Have children or pets?  When making a ...
When I Was Your Age...

When I Was Your Age...

21 March 2012
Growing up in the 80's there weren't that many technological things that we had to worry about as a kid. Once you figured out how to rewind the unwound cassette tape with a pencil and blow the dust out of the Nintendo...
Growing up in the 80's there weren't that many technological things that we had to worry about as a kid. Once you figured out how to rewind the unwound cassette tape with a pencil and blow the dust out of the Nintendo games to get them to work, you were pretty much set. Today's kids are more advanced technologically than ever before. The more exposure and access our kids have to technology, the more chance there is for them to wander into questionable territory.  Armstrong has a tool ...
Muppet Mania!

Muppet Mania!

20 March 2012
It’s time to play the music, It’s time to light the lights, It’s time to watch The Muppets On Demand tonight! …Oh, how I have waited to sing that tune. (As corny as it may sound) Never...
It’s time to play the music, It’s time to light the lights, It’s time to watch The Muppets On Demand tonight! …Oh, how I have waited to sing that tune. (As corny as it may sound) Never before have I been so excited to watch a movie again. I took my oldest son to see The Muppets in the theater. (My youngest son was still probably too young to sit through a movie in the theater.) OK, let’s back up… I love the Muppets (anything Jim Henson really) and have enjoyed ...