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Holiday Favorites 21Nov

Holiday Favorites

The outside conditions have changed quite a bit over the past few weeks. As Halloween is well in our rearview mirror and we are on the doorstep of Thanksgiving, there is no denying that the "holidays" are here. A lot...
Demand It!

Demand It!

19 November 2014
Big change in the weather this week. Big week from Armstrong On Demand. Lots of choices. Lots of chances to stay inside, stay warm and enjoy a new release. Buddy-cop sequel based on the 1980-era drama, 22 Jump...
Big change in the weather this week. Big week from Armstrong On Demand. Lots of choices. Lots of chances to stay inside, stay warm and enjoy a new release. Buddy-cop sequel based on the 1980-era drama, 22 Jump Street. Dark comic book sequel Sin City: A Dame to Kill For. Weather thriller Into the Storm. Plus drama If I Stay, Animated The Wind Rises and an unlikely-romance comedy And So It Goes. Watch one. Watch several. Enjoy from Armstrong On Demand.
Weather On Demand

Weather On Demand

17 November 2014
The Weather Channel is the go to spot for figuring out what you should be wearing tomorrow, how to plan your weekend or knowing about that next big storm. However, some might not know that The Weather Channel has...
The Weather Channel is the go to spot for figuring out what you should be wearing tomorrow, how to plan your weekend or knowing about that next big storm. However, some might not know that The Weather Channel has prime time programming too. Season 3 of Prospectors starts soon and you can get caught up on all of Season 2 with Armstrong On Demand. America's favorite ragtag gang is braving the elements on the hunt for the world's most precious gems in an all-new season of Prospectors. Catch ...
Safe Travels

Safe Travels

14 November 2014
We often talk about Safe Surfing here, sharing tips for making your online life a bit more secure. But what about your offline life, are you always doing the right things to keep yourself secure? A recent Mashable...
We often talk about Safe Surfing here, sharing tips for making your online life a bit more secure. But what about your offline life, are you always doing the right things to keep yourself secure? A recent Mashable article highlighted six red flags that could alert thieves that no one is home. They touch on the obvious one that involves your online and offline life; not over-sharing on social networks, letting folks know that you are away from your home. However, if you do share pictures ...

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