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Demand It! 12Sep

Demand It!

Another fresh crop of On Demand movies hit the shelves in your personal video store.  Hit 0-0-1 on your remote and plan your evening entertainment tonight. This week, we have some highly anticipated films you...
Same Ol' Situation

Same Ol' Situation

10 September 2012
Vacations are over. School is back in session. Baseball is winding down and football is gearing up. Those things can only mean one thing. Fall is almost here. With less than two weeks until Fall officially begins, the...
Vacations are over. School is back in session. Baseball is winding down and football is gearing up. Those things can only mean one thing. Fall is almost here. With less than two weeks until Fall officially begins, the air is a little cooler and I can feel myself settling into a routine. As a parent, the fall routine is pretty important. With school, sports, and of course work, it can be pretty busy coming and going. Making sure that you stay in a somewhat consistent routine can make all ...
It Only Takes One Person to Start a Movement

It Only Takes One Person to Start a Movement

7 September 2012
Bullying has become a hot topic over the past few years. Is it because it is just now becoming an issue? Or is it just getting worse? As someone who was picked on as a kid, I can tell you it has been an issue for a...
Bullying has become a hot topic over the past few years. Is it because it is just now becoming an issue? Or is it just getting worse? As someone who was picked on as a kid, I can tell you it has been an issue for a long time. What I don't know is why it is getting worse. With social networks like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, you can see that the bullying can continue long after the school bell rings. With bullies being able to move online and into your personal life, it makes it much ...
Old School vs. New School

Old School vs. New School

5 September 2012
Like a lot of parents out there, I have entered that time of year when we all try to get back into some sort of routine now that school is back in session. While most people think it is tougher on the kids, it can be...
Like a lot of parents out there, I have entered that time of year when we all try to get back into some sort of routine now that school is back in session. While most people think it is tougher on the kids, it can be just as hard on the parents. You go from a summer schedule with flexible bedtimes and limited extracurricular activities to schedules, practices and of course homework. How do busy parents keep this all organized without getting overwhelmed? Personally, I rely a lot on ...

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