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Breaking Bread Day Success

Breaking Bread Day Success

Thank you for supporting Armstrong's inaugural Breaking Bread Day!

Author: Pam/Wednesday, March 16, 2022/Categories: Special, Community

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Thank you to our Armstrong customers, employees, community supporters and friends for helping make March 8, 2022 - Breaking Bread Day - a rousing success! Armstrong first launched the Breaking Bread initiative on March 8, 2010, 12 years ago, with the goal of supporting community food programs in the areas Armstrong serves. Throughout the dozen years, countless hours of service have been dedicated to food banks, nearly $75,000 in monetary contributions, nearing 200,000 pounds of nonperishable items, plus much help in raising awareness about food insecurity in our neighborhoods.

Breaking Bread Day was created to celebrate the myriad contributions over the past 12 years while gaining support for future events to help support Breaking Bread's mission! In all, celebrations held on Breaking Bread Day produced 800 pounds of donated nonperishable food items and $200 to gift to local food banks. All of Armstrong's local offices throughout our six-state footprint recognized Breaking Bread Day!

Please enjoy this picture gallery from Armstrong's local office celebrations. 


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