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Demand It! 5Nov

Demand It!

Every few years it seems like movies come out at the same time, about the same topic; Antz and Bugs Life, Armageddon and Deep Impact, etc. This topic may sound familiar itself, well that is because I wrote about it...
Demand It!

Demand It!

29 October 2014
I can tell you what new movie we have on Armstrong On Demand this week. I can even share a little bit about the film and show you the trailer. But let's be honest, you want to watch some scary movies this week. ...
I can tell you what new movie we have on Armstrong On Demand this week. I can even share a little bit about the film and show you the trailer. But let's be honest, you want to watch some scary movies this week.  And Begin Again starring Keira Knightley and Mark Ruffalo isn't a scary movie. While it looks like an awesome independent film, it isn't going to scare you. Armstrong's Halloween Favorites folder, on the other hand, will. Check out the Fright Fest movie folder for a gruesome ...
NBCUniversal Short Film Festival

NBCUniversal Short Film Festival

24 October 2014
Armstrong On Demand is excited to offer the 9th Annual NBCUniversal Short Film Festival to our subscribers. Plenty of time and talent has been poured into these amazing short films. Available from our main On Demand...
Armstrong On Demand is excited to offer the 9th Annual NBCUniversal Short Film Festival to our subscribers. Plenty of time and talent has been poured into these amazing short films. Available from our main On Demand menu under 'Short Film Festival," you can access any of these films for FREE. See below for a list of the available movies. Bombshell: A ten year-old tomboy must weigh her loyalty to her trusted older brother as the siblings become complicit in a hate crime. Drudge: What ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

22 October 2014
It's October and plenty of channels are running horror movie marathons, family friendly Halloween movies or maybe you have even checked out our Halloween Favorites folder in Armstrong On Demand. Witches, werewolves,...
It's October and plenty of channels are running horror movie marathons, family friendly Halloween movies or maybe you have even checked out our Halloween Favorites folder in Armstrong On Demand. Witches, werewolves, vampires and zombies. Yawn! How about a movie that is void of the supernatural? How about a horror movie that might not be plausible, but totally possible? How about a sequel to a movie that spawned real scare and threat? Do you think that could scare you? Give it a shot. Check ...

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