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Unfinished Business 15Jun

Unfinished Business

In the mood to watch a comedy lately? Unfinished Business is set to release on June 16th! Dan Trunkman, played by Vince Vaughn, is a hard-working business...
Woman In Gold

Woman In Gold

17 June 2015
Releasing on July 7th, Woman In Gold has received multiple great reviews! Maria Altman, played by Helen Mirren, is an elderly Jewish refugee who fled Vienna sixty years ago during World War...
Releasing on July 7th, Woman In Gold has received multiple great reviews! Maria Altman, played by Helen Mirren, is an elderly Jewish refugee who fled Vienna sixty years ago during World War II...
NBC Releases Aquarius

NBC Releases Aquarius

12 June 2015
As an Armstrong subscriber, watch the entire season of Aquarius before it airs online, On Demand, or on your mobile device for FREE!
As an Armstrong subscriber, watch the entire season of Aquarius before it airs online, On Demand, or on your mobile device for FREE!
Award Winner Kingsman: The Secret Service

Award Winner Kingsman: The Secret Service

8 June 2015
Winning “Best British Film” and “Best Male Newcomer” at the Empire Awards, “Kingsman: The Secret Service” releases...
Winning “Best British Film” and “Best Male Newcomer” at the Empire Awards, “Kingsman: The Secret Service” releases...

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