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Concert Alert! 22May

Concert Alert!

Memorial Day weekend is here. While many see it as the start of grilling season, opening of pools or the weekend of the Indianapolis 500, the original meaning of Memorial Day was to honor fallen...
The New Star Wars Movie is Filming

The New Star Wars Movie is Filming

19 May 2014
Are you a Star Wars fan? Most people who aren't fans have at least seen the movies and probably know they are doing another set of Star Wars movies. The next one (Episode VII) will take over where Return of the Jedi...
Are you a Star Wars fan? Most people who aren't fans have at least seen the movies and probably know they are doing another set of Star Wars movies. The next one (Episode VII) will take over where Return of the Jedi (later dubbed Episode VI) left off. Much of the original cast is back and are ready to keep the saga going. News broke last week that they had begun filming. Mashable was one of the many news blogs that reported on this first glimpse. While it doesn't give us much, it does let ...
Mom Geeks

Mom Geeks

9 May 2014
Let's hope that this isn't your reminder to get mom a gift. Let's hope, for your sake, that you already have your gift giving planned for Mother's Day. However, this is a good time to make sure you got your mom...
Let's hope that this isn't your reminder to get mom a gift. Let's hope, for your sake, that you already have your gift giving planned for Mother's Day. However, this is a good time to make sure you got your mom the right gift. While flowers, crafts and candies might cut it for most moms, some moms are a bit more techy than others. USA Today featured an article on new gadgets and techy gifts for moms. Check out the article here. Everything from a pocket cellphone recharger to a karaoke ...
Stanley Cup Playoffs

Stanley Cup Playoffs

6 May 2014
NBC Sports Network covers the Stanley Cup Playoffs like no other. Follow all the action. *NBC Sports Network is available on Variety Pack channel 485 and HD Advantage channel 172. Order here now!** NBC Sports Network...
NBC Sports Network covers the Stanley Cup Playoffs like no other. Follow all the action. *NBC Sports Network is available on Variety Pack channel 485 and HD Advantage channel 172. Order here now!** NBC Sports Network subscribers have access to the NBC Sports Live Extra app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Click here to view your channel line up.

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