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Sports Blackouts 13Apr

Sports Blackouts

Popcorn popped, soda on ice, comfy seat on the couch ready.  You are all set. Now... Why can't I see the game I want to watch? Sports Blackouts From time to time certain sports programming cannot be televised...
Lucky Day!

Lucky Day!

13 April 2012
Friday the 13th. The day that is credited as being bad luck. Couple that with a horror movie franchise numbering in the double digits and you have a day that gets a pretty bad rap. Personally, 13 is my lucky number....
Friday the 13th. The day that is credited as being bad luck. Couple that with a horror movie franchise numbering in the double digits and you have a day that gets a pretty bad rap. Personally, 13 is my lucky number. I was born on the 13th of the month and always seem to find myself finding good luck with the number. No matter what your lucky number is, put it to good use.  Armstrong's MySavings program has a quarterly sweepstakes that offers two chances to win a $250 gift ...
Tax Day is Almost Here

Tax Day is Almost Here

12 April 2012
This is your last weekend to get everything ready for tax day. This year April 15 falls on a Sunday, so the deadline for submitting your income taxes is Tuesday, April 17, 2012.  While most people may have...
This is your last weekend to get everything ready for tax day. This year April 15 falls on a Sunday, so the deadline for submitting your income taxes is Tuesday, April 17, 2012.  While most people may have already submitted everything needed, if you haven't you can start at for any resources you might need.
Gadget Geek

Gadget Geek

2 April 2012
I am a gadget geek.  Something new comes out, I want it. However, I don't always get everything as soon as it hits the shelves. I usually wait a little while. iPod, iPhone, iPad. I waited at least until the...
I am a gadget geek.  Something new comes out, I want it. However, I don't always get everything as soon as it hits the shelves. I usually wait a little while. iPod, iPhone, iPad. I waited at least until the second year or later to get each of these. Why wait? I just want to make sure all the bugs are worked out and that the money I invest will be well spent. Even as a kid, I wanted to have the latest video game system in hand. But I usually had to wait. However, some things are just so ...

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