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Get in Line 21Sep

Get in Line

Today the new iPhone is available to purchase. Even though the features aren't groundbreaking (other than a larger screen and different back to the phone) the pre-sale broke records. It seems that with every new...
It Only Takes One Person to Start a Movement

It Only Takes One Person to Start a Movement

7 September 2012
Bullying has become a hot topic over the past few years. Is it because it is just now becoming an issue? Or is it just getting worse? As someone who was picked on as a kid, I can tell you it has been an issue for a...
Bullying has become a hot topic over the past few years. Is it because it is just now becoming an issue? Or is it just getting worse? As someone who was picked on as a kid, I can tell you it has been an issue for a long time. What I don't know is why it is getting worse. With social networks like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, you can see that the bullying can continue long after the school bell rings. With bullies being able to move online and into your personal life, it makes it much ...
Digital Life Revived

Digital Life Revived

20 August 2012
If you were following the story we mentioned on Friday, you may have already read more about the situation. However, the tech journalist reveals how he battled back (easier than your or I ever could) to regain his...
If you were following the story we mentioned on Friday, you may have already read more about the situation. However, the tech journalist reveals how he battled back (easier than your or I ever could) to regain his digital life.  Check out the follow up article from Wired.  
Protecting Your Digital Life

Protecting Your Digital Life

17 August 2012
How many social networks do you belong to? How many online shopping sites do you have accounts with? When you start thinking about it, you probably have several accounts you have created and don't even think about....
How many social networks do you belong to? How many online shopping sites do you have accounts with? When you start thinking about it, you probably have several accounts you have created and don't even think about. Many you may have only used once or twice. Many may have similar usernames, passwords and emails. Well, you may want to rethink your strategy. Recently, a story surfaced about a technology journalist that had his digital life turned upside down, based on a few simple ...

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