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Impact of Sports Programming 15Feb

Impact of Sports Programming

Want to learn more about how sports programming affects the overall cost of television?  Matthew W. Polka, President and CEO of the American Cable Association, shares his view in this Op-Ed piece.


1 February 2012
If you are in the market for a new TV, you are probably faced with the option to either get an HDTV or a 3DTV.  We are still in the early adopter phase of 3D technology.  I actually know a few people that...
If you are in the market for a new TV, you are probably faced with the option to either get an HDTV or a 3DTV.  We are still in the early adopter phase of 3D technology.  I actually know a few people that have purchased 3DTVs. However, I have heard a lot more people say they will wait until they do not have to wear glasses to experience 3D viewing. First, let’s talk about what is available in 3D. 3D Movies Movies have the biggest market in the 3D arena right now.   Many movies are even ...

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