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Zoom Internet Email: Accessing Webmail 9Oct

Zoom Internet Email: Accessing Webmail

Beginning October 15th, your Zoom Internet email will have a new look and many great new features.  After the new webmail interface launches, you will no longer be able to access webmail through
Social Media Can Be More Than Just Social

Social Media Can Be More Than Just Social

8 October 2012
I think we have moved past the "social media is a waste of time" conversation. Most everyone and their mother (and in my wife's case, her grandmother) is on Facebook by this point. Twitter continues to grow and has...
I think we have moved past the "social media is a waste of time" conversation. Most everyone and their mother (and in my wife's case, her grandmother) is on Facebook by this point. Twitter continues to grow and has become the first place many go for "Breaking News." But social media is much more than sharing photos, check-ins and connecting with old high school friends. Obviously social media sites like Facebook and Twitter allow you to share information with large groups of friends and ...
On The Go

On The Go

5 October 2012
Kids' Fall Sports. Parades. Festivals. Whatever is keeping you on the go, could be keeping you from your favorite show. Or worse, a big game. Just this past weekend, a friend of mine refused to hear the updates of...
Kids' Fall Sports. Parades. Festivals. Whatever is keeping you on the go, could be keeping you from your favorite show. Or worse, a big game. Just this past weekend, a friend of mine refused to hear the updates of the college football game he was recording at home. He went home and watched it start to finish. (Little did he know, he went into double overtime. He was in for a long evening.) But what if you thought you were going to be home in time and you had a second festival to attend ...
Zoom Internet Email: What's New

Zoom Internet Email: What's New

4 October 2012
Zoom Internet is turning 15 this year, and to celebrate, we’re making it even better! Armstrong will soon unveil an all new Zoom Internet email offering featuring an improved web interface, more tools to keep...
Zoom Internet is turning 15 this year, and to celebrate, we’re making it even better! Armstrong will soon unveil an all new Zoom Internet email offering featuring an improved web interface, more tools to keep you organized, 2 gigabyte mailboxes and the ability to stay connected to your Facebook and Twitter accounts. Want to see more?  Visit to tour the new webmail interface today! We hope you enjoy the new features Zoom Internet email has to offer.  ...

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