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EXP: Season Pass® is Now OnePass®

Author: Melissa/Tuesday, May 12, 2015/Categories: Special

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Managing and recording your favorite shows just got easier! Current Armstrong EXP users will find that Season Pass® has been upgraded to OnePass®. When you setup a OnePass recording you will have more flexibility  such as selecting a specific season to start recording.  OnePass also has the ability to include On Demand and streaming content when you setup a recording.  OnePass will manage and organize your recordings into a playlist that will be specifically tailored to your preferences.
  1. Current Season Pass Recording: Current Season Pass recordings have automatically been transferred into OnePass and are set to "Recordings Only".  You can edit these recordings to include streaming content at any time.
  2. Adjusting My OnePass to work like Season Pass: Set OnePass to "Recordings Only" and you will be able to use it just like Season Pass.
  3. Updating the Settings: There is no need to update settings if you only wish to have recordings. With OnePass, you can modify all your options - including streaming shows, renting and buying options. Unlike Season Pass, the number of recordings available is now 25 and not 10.
  4. Scheduling Shows: You will not have to schedule any of your shows again as they will be automatically transferred over to OnePass. Now you can select any season to start recording and include their streaming episodes and On Demand.
To learn more about OnePass features read "Recording Shows & Movies".

Tip: How to Filter and View Your Recordings: 

remoteAfter you have created your OnePass, you can sort, filter and change the view to find exactly what you want to watch.

By pushing the "B" Button, you will sort the recordings by season, date or newest to oldest. The "C" button lets you filter through different views. "My episodes" consists of only the ones you selected when creating your OnePass, "All episodes" shows you every episode of the show, and "Recordings" shows all the recordings you have created.

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