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Recognizing Armstrong Employees and Communications

Author: Melissa/Thursday, May 31, 2018/Categories: About Our Products, Special

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Armstrong would like to remind our customers that a service employee will rarely show up to a home unannounced. If there is a need to enter your residence, we will call to arrange a time that is convenient for you.

Armstrong service employees wear uniforms and carry a photo ID card. Our logo is displayed on the uniform, ID cards and company vehicles. If you are in doubt about why the person is at your door or checking your outside connection,call Armstrong immediately to verify that a service employee is at your home on company business.

While service appointments are scheduled in advance, there are times when we may have direct sales working in your area.  Our direct sales employees may not schedule visits in advance however any Armstrong direct sales employee will be properly dressed in Armstrong branded clothing and they will have an Armstrong photo ID card.

At Armstrong, we will not ask you to submit information via email regarding your account number, username, or log in information. Armstrong also does not call your home and ask for updated records or banking information. When speaking to a representative, you will most likely be asked a pin number to verify your account billing information.

If you have questions about suspicious activity on your account, contact Armstrong to speak with a customer service representative, or email us at to report a suspicious email.

As always, we thank you for being an Armstrong customer.


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