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Bad Habits 16Jan

Bad Habits

January is usually the month of the resolution. You vow to do things better than you did last year. You want to exercise more, eat less, be more organized...
Demand It!

Demand It!

14 January 2015
A big release from Armstrong On Demand this week. Gone Girl, starring Ben Affleck, brings to life the thrilling book that will surely take you on so many twists and turns it will make you dizzy. However, don't let...
A big release from Armstrong On Demand this week. Gone Girl, starring Ben Affleck, brings to life the thrilling book that will surely take you on so many twists and turns it will make you dizzy. However, don't let...
Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever

12 January 2015
As the winter weather comes on strong there will be a lot of long weekends indoors and most likely several 'snow days' still to come. Armstrong Local Programming has some engaging kids programming available...
As the winter weather comes on strong there will be a lot of long weekends indoors and most likely several 'snow days' still to come. Armstrong Local Programming has some engaging kids programming available...


9 January 2015
It's the "New Year" period where everyone begins working on eating better, getting more exercise, getting more organized and everything else on their list of resolutions. I've often discussed my attempts at living...
It's the "New Year" period where everyone begins working on eating better, getting more exercise, getting more organized and everything else on their list of resolutions. I've often discussed my attempts at living 'paperless'...

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