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Golden Globe and Oscar Award Winner: Birdman 16Feb

Golden Globe and Oscar Award Winner: Birdman

Winning "Best Screenplay" award at the 2015 Golden Globes and "Best Motion Picture of the Year" at the Oscars, Birdman will be released on DVD on February 17, 2015. Riggan Thomson, played by Michael Keaton...


13 February 2015
Do you know someone who has pirated music at least once in their lifetime? If so, then they have contributed to the more than $12.5 billion lost due to piracy. In an effort to help prevent media pirating and protect...
Do you know someone who has pirated music at least once in their lifetime? If so, then they have contributed to the more than $12.5 billion lost due to piracy. In an effort to help prevent media pirating and protect...


9 February 2015

ABC is going to bring back Battlebots to your television screen. The original show on Comedy Central went away 12 years ago and left a buzz-saw size hole in our hearts. Cnet reports on the upcoming series...

ABC is going to bring back Battlebots to your television screen. The original show on Comedy Central went away 12 years ago and left a buzz-saw size hole in our hearts. Cnet reports on the upcoming series...

Walk the Line

Walk the Line

6 February 2015
The Walking Dead returns this weekend for the second half of Season 5. This season has taken the group back on the road for much of the first half...
The Walking Dead returns this weekend for the second half of Season 5. This season has taken the group back on the road for much of the first half...

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