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Phone Home! 12Jul

Phone Home!

I am an iPhone addict. I must have it on me at all times. As I frequently mention on here, I try to live as "paperless" as possible and my iPhone helps me do that. As I constantly try new apps and new services, I...
Demand It!

Demand It!

10 July 2013
This week we have a few movies that might have snuck by you when they were in theaters. The first is a comedy starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. This didn't get the best reviews from critics, but I am going to give it a...
This week we have a few movies that might have snuck by you when they were in theaters. The first is a comedy starring Tina Fey and Paul Rudd. This didn't get the best reviews from critics, but I am going to give it a shot. I like both of these actors and their recent work has been just as good as their earlier stuff. Let us know what you think. The second film comes to us from the work of Stephenie Meyer, creator of the Twilight Saga. This film comes during a time when zombie ...
Speed It Up!

Speed It Up!

8 July 2013
Everyone, no matter how new or old your computer or operating system is would like a faster experience. While your internet may be as fast as you need it, there are ways to speed up the computer itself. PC Mag...
Everyone, no matter how new or old your computer or operating system is would like a faster experience. While your internet may be as fast as you need it, there are ways to speed up the computer itself. PC Mag recently shared 12 tips on how to make Windows 7 faster. Check out some of the tips: Uninstall Bloatware Change Power Settings Clean Up Your Disk Turn Off Desktop Gadgets Don't Use a Beautiful Desktop Background ...and more.   How have you sped up your computer?
Picture Pages!

Picture Pages!

5 July 2013
These days everyone is a photographer. Anyone with an expensive camera and free Saturday afternoons is now able to take and charge for "professional photography." We have all seen these attempts from family and...
These days everyone is a photographer. Anyone with an expensive camera and free Saturday afternoons is now able to take and charge for "professional photography." We have all seen these attempts from family and friends on Facebook. The site calls these folks "fauxtographers." I am actually fortunate enough to have some great photographer friends who started out taking pictures as a hobby, which is why I don't think it is entirely a bad thing. The more technology ...

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