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Lights. Camera. Action. 17Sep

Lights. Camera. Action.

Another true sign of fall; new episodes of your favorite television shows. My absolute favorite show is Saturday Night Live. Each new show is completely different and never fails to crack me up for an hour and a half....
This Means War!

This Means War!

14 September 2012
We have recently begun sharing some of our Local Programming content here, that we have on our YouTube page. Many of these videos are clips from the actual show, teasers for upcoming shows, or individual songs from a...
We have recently begun sharing some of our Local Programming content here, that we have on our YouTube page. Many of these videos are clips from the actual show, teasers for upcoming shows, or individual songs from a concert show. However, occasionally we will feature a full length presentation. We recently had the opportunity to film and interview some of the participants and organizers of the Pennsic War. The Pennsic War is an "annual event, in the guise of a 'War', between the Kingdoms ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

12 September 2012
Another fresh crop of On Demand movies hit the shelves in your personal video store.  Hit 0-0-1 on your remote and plan your evening entertainment tonight. This week, we have some highly anticipated films you...
Another fresh crop of On Demand movies hit the shelves in your personal video store.  Hit 0-0-1 on your remote and plan your evening entertainment tonight. This week, we have some highly anticipated films you have probably been waiting on, including Snow White and the Huntsman (this ain't Walt Disney's Snow White) and What to Expect When You're Expecting (and All-Star cast's take on the best selling mommy-to-be book.) But that's not all...   Snow White and the ...
Same Ol' Situation

Same Ol' Situation

10 September 2012
Vacations are over. School is back in session. Baseball is winding down and football is gearing up. Those things can only mean one thing. Fall is almost here. With less than two weeks until Fall officially begins, the...
Vacations are over. School is back in session. Baseball is winding down and football is gearing up. Those things can only mean one thing. Fall is almost here. With less than two weeks until Fall officially begins, the air is a little cooler and I can feel myself settling into a routine. As a parent, the fall routine is pretty important. With school, sports, and of course work, it can be pretty busy coming and going. Making sure that you stay in a somewhat consistent routine can make all ...

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