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How Are You Enjoying the Olympics? 6Aug

How Are You Enjoying the Olympics?

With just under a week left of events and ceremonies, we still have a lot of excitement and history to consume. There has been a lot of media coverage on how many different ways viewers are watching and tracking the...
You Dirty Dog, You...

You Dirty Dog, You...

3 August 2012
We have been starting to show you some of our Local Programming samples from around our different regions. One of the popular shows we have samples from is Dirty Dog Live Music, from our north-western Pennsylvania...
We have been starting to show you some of our Local Programming samples from around our different regions. One of the popular shows we have samples from is Dirty Dog Live Music, from our north-western Pennsylvania area.  With interviews and original live music from some of the area's most talented folks, you are sure to find something to tap your toes to. Check out some of the videos below or check out for more sample videos. Don't forget to check out the ...
This Just In...

This Just In...

1 August 2012
Last week was International Technology Upgrade Week. What is that? Basically it was just a week to encourage users of technology to upgrade and update their software. An article and infographic from Mashable shows the...
Last week was International Technology Upgrade Week. What is that? Basically it was just a week to encourage users of technology to upgrade and update their software. An article and infographic from Mashable shows the statistics from a recent survey regarding consumer habits when it comes to updating software. The most shocking statistic, perhaps, was that 40% of adults don't always upgrade software when prompted. Missing potential patches, bug fixes and improvements, some folks could ...
I Love it When A Collection Comes Together

I Love it When A Collection Comes Together

1 August 2012
Over the years Hollywood has been taking some of your favorite TV shows from years past and turning them into new movie versions. While some critics call it recycling, I call it renewing. While it was great to see a...
Over the years Hollywood has been taking some of your favorite TV shows from years past and turning them into new movie versions. While some critics call it recycling, I call it renewing. While it was great to see a new episode of your favorite show every week, it was over in 30 minutes or an hour and the end was pretty predictable. How many times did you wonder what it would be like if you could see a whole movie worth of action? Personally, I have had mixed feelings. A lot of my ...

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