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Demand It! 29Jan

Demand It!

This week has been long awaited in my house. It has been a few years since Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs was on serious rotation on our DVD player. However, the kids are very excited that the follow-up is finally...
Who Just Joined?

Who Just Joined?

27 January 2014
It's Monday morning and a lot of people are going back to work after a nice relaxing weekend. Many of those people will fill their week with conference calls. Whether you like them or not, they are a part of...
It's Monday morning and a lot of people are going back to work after a nice relaxing weekend. Many of those people will fill their week with conference calls. Whether you like them or not, they are a part of getting business done. This video, that you may have already seen over the weekend, pretty much sums up everything that happens on a conference call but shows you how it would look in real life. This is pretty funny and hits home with me, who is not a fan of these types of ...


24 January 2014
No matter how many articles are written and stories are published, online passwords continue to stay too simple and too 'hackable.' Each January we get to see the previous year's list of worst passwords. And...
No matter how many articles are written and stories are published, online passwords continue to stay too simple and too 'hackable.' Each January we get to see the previous year's list of worst passwords. And each year it is just as bad. No one seems to learn. The article from Mashable highlights the worst, including 'princess,' 'admin' and 'monkey.' However, most notable is the fact that the most popular bad password is '123456', de-throwning 'password' as the usual champ. Most experts ...
Demand It!

Demand It!

22 January 2014
We are continuing to see more of the award nominated movies from 2013 in our On Demand library. This week we add Captain Phillips, starring Tom Hanks. This film, based on a true story, is a modern day pirate...
We are continuing to see more of the award nominated movies from 2013 in our On Demand library. This week we add Captain Phillips, starring Tom Hanks. This film, based on a true story, is a modern day pirate tale. The trailer alone will get your heart pumping. Enough Said and Instructions Not Included are also available.

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