Connecting your iPad, iPhone or Pod Touch to Zoom Wi-Fi

If you want to connect your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch to Zoom Wi-Fi, please review the following steps:

  • Tap Settings.
  • Tap Wi-Fi. If Wi-Fi is set to OFF, tap the OFF button to turn it on.
  • Once Wi-Fi is turned on, it's easy to connect to Zoom Wi-Fi, simply tap your Zoom Wi-Fi router (SSID) from the list of available networks.
  • Enter your wireless (WEP/WPA) key.
  • Wait a few seconds while your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch connects.

That's it. You should now be connected to ZoomShare. Once connected, a check mark will appear next to your Zoom Wi-Fi SSID. In the future, your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch will automatically connect to Zoom Wi-Fi whenever the network is in range. If you are still having trouble, contact us. We're here to help!

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