Do Not Call Registry

You can reduce the number of calls you receive from telemarketers by adding your telephone number to the Do Not Call Registry.

  • Add your phone number(s) to the National Do Not Call registry by phone, 1-888-382-1222 or online at
  • Re-register when you change service providers, disconnect service or change the billing name on your account.

Note: Signing up for the Do Not Call list won't eliminate all unwanted calls. Charitable and political organizations, surveyors and any organization with which you have a prior or existing business relationship ARE permitted to call you.

Armstrong does not sell its customer list. However, other firms, even reputable ones like your bank or credit card company might. Use caution when sharing your telephone number and other personal information. If you choose to share this information, you should review the company's policy on how they use your personal information and "opt-out" if you don't like the way they use your information.

  • Some states have additional Do Not Call requirements. For details, visit your state public service or utilities commission website.
  • Enhance your privacy by using Armstrong's special calling features like Anonymous Call Rejection, Call Blocking and Do Not Disturb.

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